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Propolis Puro tarro de 60g
Propolis Puro tarro de 30g
Propolis Puro tarro de 60g
Propolis Puro tarro de 30g
Propolis Puro tarro de 60g
Propolis Puro tarro de 30g
Propolis Puro tarro de 60g
Propolis Puro tarro de 30g

Pure Natural Propolis

Tax included.

Resinous natural polymer made by bees from organic secretions of various types of native Orense species, especially tree flora.

Propolis or propolis is a substance composed of approximately 50-55% resins and balms, 30-40% waxes, 5-10% essential or volatile oils, 5% pollen and 5% various organic and mineral materials. . It has more than 160 natural components, among which microelements, flavonoids, vitamins B1, B2 and C, protein substances, unsaturated fatty acids and esters of aromatic acids stand out.

Variable and irregular yellowish ocher color with a characteristic dry, sweetish aroma, very concentrated, and a woody, slightly sour flavor.

Granular resinous consistency with a tendency to caking.

ORIGIN: Spain and other areas of the Iberian Peninsula.
MAIN FLORAL COMPOSITION: Alder (Alnus glutinosa), Oak (Quercus robur), Ashy willow (Salix atrocinerea), Birch (Betula Alba), Common elm (Ulmus miner), Black poplar (Populus nigra), Common ash (Fraxinus excelsior), etc
PRODUCTION TIME: Late spring until late autumn.
COLOR: Variable and irregular yellowish ocher.
FLAVOR: Slightly sour woody.
AROMA: Dry, sweet, characteristic and very concentrated.
PECULIARITIES: Raw substance, pure, not homogenized, not filtered, without added sugars.
CONSERVATION: Keep in a dry, dark and cool place to keep all its qualities intact in a natural way.